Friday, October 9, 2009

Barricade Plans.

Okay boys n girls, this is where it all matters. Our allies are all doing their job, camping, watching their positions and probably bored if they get no action. We gotta do our part too, and here's how we're gonna do it. There's two key parts.

Strings and Gypsies

Dazzler is an amazing skill. And where we're going to position them, is very VERY crutial. When we set up the Gypsies, and they start spamming from both ends of the barricades, this is when we do a count-down and charge in, connect the ME, and destroy the Barricades and the enemy on the other side. Below are the 3 barricades, and emp room, where all the gypsies are going to be positioned.

Stu has watched us go over this, so he will be the one telling when to rush and push forward. As for the most part, that is the positioning of gypsies and strings.

The second key part is Countdown Rush/Push

The moment we setup the Gypsies and Strings, we'll do a count-down push and rush. However, the emp room we can be a bit more patient, as they cannot flag behind the emp, so this is where we have the advantage. We slowly pick off 1 member at a time, weakening them. As for the rush, do what you can to stand on the barricades themselves. All melees will start smacking them as hard as they can meaning LKs and Champs. SinX, should be EDP grimtoothing the people behind, possibly killing some of them, and having even less time for them to react. All the bombers will need to pick off very selective targets and we'll be leaving that up to them.


Important Links:

Camper Positions (noobz and phoenix)

Support Team (injustice league, freezepop, cheque mate, holy order)

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